Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

We were all feeling a little sentimental in the Kinchen house this year as we reflected back on the last 365 days of craziness. Last year, we were all 3 in bed watching a movie while I was recovering from and gearing up for another chemo treatment. This year, we were all in bed watching a movie because that's what we want to be doing! ha!

In October of 2013, I sat with my core group and discussed what we knew so far about my breast cancer treatment plan and that because of the path we chose, they were each going to have to step in to help fill in for my mom job. I was going to be fine (and still I know that I'm going to be fine), but my biggest dang worry was Austin. I explained that I considered my job to make sure that every damn day that my kid has is his best damn day. And although I might fall short of that many dang days, I really do consider it my job to reach for that goal. Every dang day. I apologized ahead of time for being a jerk if they weren't doing the things I wanted them to do (on top of living their own dang lives! And reaching for their own goals!), but they took it. And we all made it. And our baby boy (then) big boy (now) is sipping champagne celebrating the day. Haha! Kidding. That's water crazies. But really. Last year was the best year of his 3 year old life :) And I pray that every year following just gets better and better.

And our little Kinchen family CANNOT thank each and every dang one of you for every little thing you have done for us. Really. We have said it before. But honestly, not an act too small that has not helped to carry us through the wildest ride. ever.

We love you. We thank God for you. And can't wait to see what the next year holds for our little Kinchen crew. And for you too!

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hook Em!

Austin was loving all of the fun things to do and see down on the Texas Longhorns' basketball court at the game this week! I tried to snag a pic of him with a row of cheerleaders, but of course, he is much too quick for that kind of thing. Action shots are more his specialty :)


Monday, December 1, 2014

'Tis the Season...already?!

I know I keep saying it, and we all do every year, but this last year really has been a big ol' blur. 'Tis the season again for creepy Santas! I put together our last 4 years of pics. Honestly, even though I was completely zombie-like sleep deprived our first visit with Santa, it was my fav. See Austin's little scrunched up face...yes, that is him mid-poopy right on Santa's lap. To Austin's credit, Santa was an hour late and wreaked of whiskey. He deserved it.

This year when we were on our way, Austin said, Mom, I don't want to sit on Santa's lap this time, I just want to stand next to him and tell him what I want for Christmas. Haha. A sneaky elf picked him right up and perched him on Santa's lap. You can tell he's nervous because his hands are rested perfectly on his lap. Homeboy is NEVER still. Especially his hands. I was taking a video and instead of hearing Austin's xmas wishes, all you can hear is me cracking up at his uncomfortableness. haha. Am I a bad mom for that? I was loving it. Just in case you'll think I'm a jerk, I'm not posting the video of my hysterical laughter at the sight of my kid squirming on a stranger's lap (bc, as I've learned, you can really make your life however you'd like or not like it to be seen on a blog!). Hopefully he doesn't have weird issues regarding guys with beards later in life.
