Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Feeling better every day!

We are keeping on keeping on here at the Kinchen house. I am so excited to have a bit more energy (sometimes even a little more than our little guy has in him!) and thank goodness finally in the home stretch with radiation recovery...not going to lie, there were some tears involved with my poor skin healing. Everyone says radiation is the 'easy' part of treatment. Not in my case. It all sucked. Radiation recovery was awful for me. A constant burning pain on a huge part of my body. So. glad. it's. over. I have a follow up appointment this week with my radiation oncologist to make sure all is well there. I started Tamoxifen last week and don't have much to note on that thus far. I was already experiencing post menopausal symptoms from my chemo treatment, so this stuff can't scare me :) My hormones are super whacky right now, so, of course now, MORE doctors appointments!! Ugh. Ob-gyn, optometrist, allergist, physical therapist, surgeon, dentist...the list seriously goes on and on as far as medical doctors go and don't even get me started on my holistic list of crazy hippie peeps around town!  I'll see Dr. Jim in a few weeks to check in and from there will be on a 2 month schedule then 3 month routine visit schedule with him for the next 5 years! It's a whole new world for me. I have never in my life even had a regular family doctor that I saw unless it was once/twice a year for a cold. At least I like Dr. Jim.

Last call for our Labor Day party RSVPs!! (Don't worry, we will have some cushion for you last minute undecided folks, but if you know you can make it, let me know!)


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