Thursday, August 21, 2014

Random odds and ends

The sweatier and happier this guy is, the more exhausted and crazy this lady on the other side of the camera is looking!!! We are living it up and enjoying every single second outside that we can. You can find Austin running around a South Austin park and me sitting on the bench smiling, stretching and staring at the trees (and if it's after 4 pm, I'm probably yawning too) at least once a day. I really really really think outside time is so important for kids (all of us really!) Ever heard of a 'forest bathing' prescription?! I'd take that over chemo any day! From my own experience, being stuck inside for so long weighed on me heavily. I am feeling SO MUCH BETTER and I attribute a ton of that to being able to get out and get some sun, dirt and wind on my skin. Aaaaaah!! Get outside people!! Even if it's on a patio with a frozen adult beverage :)

Plus, I CANNOT get enough of our guy's sweaty curly hair and flushed face. I just love it. The dirt rings around my bath tub are totally worth it.
I've mentioned that several years ago I participated in the Susan G Komen 60 mile 3 day walk in memory of our awesome friend's mama, Marla Jo. It was an amazing experience. I wouldn't have been able to have this experience without some very generous donations from many of you (the donation price tag for participants is minimum $2300/each)!

Our team's feet after day 1! Mine were like raw hamburger meat for at least a week after! haha.

A buddy of ours is going to be participating in this walk soon and is working on collecting donations to meet her goal. Every few dollars helps! And it's tax deductible :) Click below and send her some love!

I had my first post-chemo check-up with Dr. Jim this week that really was just a check up and no major immediate health issues involved. Yay! We discussed a few things. Tamoxifen has been okay. Nothing major to note. He is going to be back in touch with me after consulting with another colleague and my surgeon about a lumpectomy on my left breast. We will probably first do some imaging (mammogram and MRI) then make a decision on where to go with this next...I'll alternate between seeing him and my radiation oncologist every 6 weeks from here on out...unless, of course, my crazy lady ways get me in there for any other reason. ha!

I've started physical therapy. I have some minor lymph fluid swelling in spots around my right side surgery/radiation area. We are working to lessen these and keep my system running at full capacity after the big blow it's taken this year! The lymphatic system is a critical player in keeping your body healthy. We were a bit shocked to get my labs back this week with continued low white blood cell counts even though I am so far out from chemo treatment. I have to keep on top of doing all I can do to keep my system up and running able to fight off infections...especially with the fall/winter season ahead!

I'm also consulting with a massage therapist who specializes in lymphatic system care. I was very fortunate to be able to visit her often during chemo treatment for anxiety and stress relief. She has some interesting info on her site:

I also have to tell you about the best run-in with a brand new dad in the baby aisle. He asked if I could help him find 'grape water' (heehee...he meant 'gripe water') for his 3 day old baby. I showed him where it was and asked him what was going on, maybe I could help. He was so sweet. Worried because of pooping and crying and sleeping. I assured him that his description was pretty much about right for what a 3 day old baby should be doing, but call his pediatrician, that's why they are there. Don't be afraid to ask questions, our pediatrician always told me that it's the new parents who aren't asking questions that they are more worried about. Haha. He was so relieved. It was awesome. Brought me back 3 years ago when we brought Austin home. Trying not to be too sappy about Austin's 3rd birthday approaching. Baby years are gone just like that! I've heard from most parents that the time just goes too fast, but I'm feeling really pissed about this last year. I feel like I got cheated out of 2 with my kid. I am trying to be grateful because I definitely know that our kid went completely unscathed by this last crazy year thanks to all of our blessings. I also know many mamas who were taken much sooner and not able to be present for their kids on earth at all. Dang it. Focus, focus, focus on the blessings. Be thankful. Ugh. Sometimes I just want to complain just a little...haha...ok...I'm done now. Thank you God for our amazing life.

Win the day...outside for part of it, I hope!!

1 comment:

  1. Love that nature article. Thanks for sharing. So true. I couldn't agree more. Love ya, Jenn!


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