Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Say it ain't so!!

This morning, Austin said, 'Mommy! I'm your special gift from God!' so sweet. and so true. I tell him that every day. Sometimes I wish he was my special gift from God who would quit growing quite so fast. haha.

I'm in total denial that Austin turned 4 this week. But the proof is in the sugar filled desserts he capitalized on for every meal. haha. We are definitely sugar detoxing over here at the Kinchen house. Had a great time celebrating with a bunch of our family, grown up friends, and lots and lots of wild little friends at Austin's birthday party.

Pretty entertaining trying to round up a group of 20 little ones for a photo. God bless preschool teachers!

Lots of special visitors for the weekend
When Austin woke up on his actual birthday he let dad know that he better get to driving to the donut shop and walked me to the frying pan to get his bacon seriously...that really happened. And obviously by the picture, we followed orders. It's no secret who's running this house. 

For his birthday dinner, Austin requested Shake Shack where Jonathon's friend hooked him up with a special ice cream treat. It's his new favorite spot. Dad's definitely not disappointed since milkshakes are a staple in his daily diet. And although I don't care much for their food menu...they do have wine, so it's a solid win-win-win for the Kinchen fam. 

We had a great weekend. Always amazed at the awesome people we have found along our path who we can count on to help us eat some sugary junk and win the day.

Happy 4th Bud!


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