Thursday, November 7, 2013

Chemo Day 1

Chemo day 1 is in the books...

Not much of an update other than that. She says she feels good, but just a little tired.   They say days 2, 3, and 4 can get a little more difficult, but we will Win those Days when and if they come....

I did want to let everyone know about a "Race for the Cure" team that my best mate Robert put together.  It means the world to me that he took the time to do this, but more than anything, that he signed up for something that happens before 9:00am.  If you know Robert, you know this is some serious business. I have only seen him get up before 9:00 am for the Kentucky Derby and a flight to Vegas.   On a serious note, its the love from our friends and family that is carrying us through this process.  Thanks Rob...Love you bro.  Thanks to everyone else who plans to participate... If you can't...just wake up on Sunday and drink a Mimosa or Bloody Mary. That means just as much....


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