Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fun fun fun!

Had another fun visit from wild and crazy PaPa Payday. He is Austin's best bud. Austin didn't want to get out of his crib this morning because he was trying to stall PaPa from leaving. Haha. They have so much fun together. My dad is such a big kid. Here are some pics from our walk thru the new Austin Boardwalk on Town Lake last week.

Photo booths are another thing that will bring out the big kid in some of us too...had a great time this year again at the Vine to Wine fundraiser for Texas Parent to Parent.  Auntie Maaya and Kristin joined me and my bestie, B, this year. We had a blast...and let's just say we monopolized the silent auction tables...Jonathon had to pop the trunk to haul all of my goods home! haha. It's for a good cause. You can read more about the organization

Looking forward to a break in the rainy days and a bit of cooler weather headed our way here soon!

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