Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow day!

I know us Texans have been getting a bad wrap for what we constitute as a snow day, but trust me, we barely know how to act right on the streets without dangerous driving conditions. Add a little ice and we are totally out of control!

Austin's school was canceled this week so we were running around the house having fun and making lots of messes

Checkout how much fun these 2 guys are having together lately...been squeezing in some extra silly family time while we are stuck around the house avoiding the chilly weather.


Monday, January 27, 2014

4 down...8 to go!

Feeling pretty darn good this past week. WIN!!

Went in for labs last week to check if I needed the Neupogen shot again and my counts were good both Thursday and Friday, so no shots. Yay! My body is finally kicking back into gear after a tough couple of weeks. We were anxious to see how my counts would be today because we learned last week that just feeling good is not a great indicator of whether or not I am going to be able to get my chemo treatment.

Saw Dr. Jim's physician's assistant. From the appointment:
1.  No changes from last week. Energy up and feeling much better!
2.  Forced her to feel around in my armpit like I always do. She assured me that she felt nothing. I also asked her to cop a feel of my booby for good measure and there was nothing there for her to feel either :) It's just good to keep hearing! Such a relief.
3. She added in another visit with her next week just to check in...I'm not scheduled to see Dr. Jim for a couple of weeks.
4. 4th round of Taxol was mostly uneventful. Other than the 2.5 hour wait for treatment because the lab lost my blood sample and waaaaahhhhh....mild neuropathy kicked in (mine is a faint tingling feeling in my legs and feet)...hoping it will wear off in a couple of days, but it's a normal side effect that comes with the territory and will probably increase as I get more treatments...everything else went okizzay.

So no new news is good news! We are going to continue to try our hardest to stay away from germs for the next several weeks because we know how detrimental a little bug can be to my health and my treatment schedule. The next 2 months will be about balancing my blood counts to stay high enough to stay on a consistent weekly treatment schedule. Hope yall don't think we are avoiding you if we decline a visit or an invite out...just trying to make it thru the home stretch here as uneventfully as possible. Now that I've made it public knowledge that I'm forcing free booby (and armpit) feels on people, you may (or may definitely NOT) be inclined to want to hangout with us at all. haha.

 Meanwhile...just laying low around the house (luckily weather's been nice so we can play outside too!) with Austin quite a bit. He is quite the busy busy busy little one. So curious. He's not asking why like I've heard so many 2 year olds say over and over, but he asks 'how' after every single thing I say or he says or he hears anyone else say. It's pretty cute, but it's not the easiest question to answer. 'How mom?' heehee. Cracks me up.

I love this...reminds me that he's not trying to drive me totally nuts. haha.


Monday, January 20, 2014

3 down...9 to go!!

My counts were up to a level that I could get me another treatment of that good ol' Taxol! Yippee :)
Nothing exciting to report, just tired and ready to get in my jammies and hit the hay already.

Eat your veggies today...especially if you can slather them with a big old scoop of Austin's favorite Kerrigold butter and coconut aminos!


Sunday, January 19, 2014

I have no clue what to do with myself!

I have no clue what to do with myself as I'm still getting my energy back up and running and totally stuck at home avoiding germs. Reading books, cooking random paleo recipes, facetiming w friends, yoga...and taking a million bald selfies! haha. It still hasn't really sunk in that I look the way I do right now, but I've found it really entertaining to take pics of myself. haha. what a dork. I need some hobbies!
Finally perfected my boiled egg technique. Jealous of my favorite coffee mug??

Got a sweet surprise package in the mail from our Hawkins family friends with a new pair of yoga socks!

Hahaha. No hair makes my mouth look even bigger!!

Will keep you posted on how things go tomorrow! Hoping counts are good and I will be getting the 3rd round of Taxol treatment.

Win the Day!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Our little redneck

I'm still feeling good! Just in total isolation at home to prevent infection...hoping the shots have kicked in and I have some level of defense building up by now, but we are being extra careful until Monday. One of my besties pulled a jedi ninja grocery drop off at the house yesterday. Haha. Poor girl was stuck talking through my front door to a crazy bored lonely cancer patient for at least 15 minutes after she told me she really needed to run some more errands. I didn't want to let her go!! I totally reminded myself of all of the people I used to deliver meals on wheels to...haha.

Stinks because I'm stuck in the house now that I'm finally feeling good. Wishing I could just grab my little guy and run around town to do some fun Austinite hippie dippy things. Waaah. He's having a blast by the way. We just chatted and he couldn't have cared less about me. In other circumstances it might make me feel bad that he doesn't ever really seem to care when I'm not around, but honestly, it makes me happy that he's happy because there's nothing I could do to get to him any faster if he weren't!

Get out and do something today! And talk to someone (the kind of talking where you can look at another person face to face). Haha.
