Sunday, January 19, 2014

I have no clue what to do with myself!

I have no clue what to do with myself as I'm still getting my energy back up and running and totally stuck at home avoiding germs. Reading books, cooking random paleo recipes, facetiming w friends, yoga...and taking a million bald selfies! haha. It still hasn't really sunk in that I look the way I do right now, but I've found it really entertaining to take pics of myself. haha. what a dork. I need some hobbies!
Finally perfected my boiled egg technique. Jealous of my favorite coffee mug??

Got a sweet surprise package in the mail from our Hawkins family friends with a new pair of yoga socks!

Hahaha. No hair makes my mouth look even bigger!!

Will keep you posted on how things go tomorrow! Hoping counts are good and I will be getting the 3rd round of Taxol treatment.

Win the Day!

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