Friday, December 20, 2013

Blech...last A/C infusion in the books!

The mind is a powerful thing and yesterday while sitting in the parking lot talking to Chanel trying to pump myself up to walk into the oncologist for my infusion, just knowing that I was about to inject this awful stuff into my body made me actually start tasting the medicine in my mouth and got a little queasy!! Luckily, Chanel has 30+ years in dealing with my neuroses and changed the subject really fast and basically told me to put my big girl panties on and get my butt in there. Works every time.

One of my oldest friends (we are definitely not that old, just known her the longest! haha) hung out with me yesterday in the chemo lounge and we were having the best time giggling and goofing off when she pointed out to me that we might be disturbing others trying to rest (people in that place are dealing with all kinds of ailments and are in different stages of illness/treatment. People are sick and exhausted and being pumped up with serious meds. I actually leave that place feeling pretty darn lucky every time). That 2nd floor infusion room at the oncology treatment center is one of the only places you can't play the cancer card to get people to back off and let yo do your thing. So, we hushed it up for a few minutes and then she decided to head out because we just couldn't control ourselves. Thanks 'Line...can't believe I'm old enough to have a friend I met as a teenager who I've been besties with for almost 20 years?!! She just feels like home. Can 100% be myself around her. How lucky am I?
Don't you love the friends that you can just do silly things with and just not give a damn?!

The good news is, the 4th and final round of A/C chemo infusion is in the books. Same old rough first night, tired 2nd day, but nothing unmanageable...the past 3 rounds of this drug, I found eating when I felt nauseated really helped, but having no taste buds and a metallic taste in my mouth right now has put a damper on that quick cure. Ginger remedies and drinking lots and lots (of non-alcoholic bevs!) are the next best thing right now and just eating healthy nutritious food because I know it's going to help me heal quicker is the 2nd step in the plan. We are definitely ready to move on to the next 12 straight weeks of T drug...I'm hoping that after this week, I will be good and hopefully able to enjoy a glass of wine...maybe 2?!!

So...Dr. Jim is extremely happy with my progress and how I've tolerated the medication thus far. He didn't even do a breast examination because he said there was nothing to examine :) Normally, I would take that as an insult, but yesterday I was ecstatic! He did examine my armpit because I still am having pain and a bit of on and off swelling with my lymph nodes, but he assured me all of those symptoms are normal and in line with response to treatment. This has been a source of worry that I am praying about as the cancer in my armpit is a different type which just adds another factor into treatment plan that I wasn't prepared for...letting it go (working on letting it go!!!) haha. The next 3.5 months will be a waiting game for us. Hopefully, all goes well with the new drug and we can stay on track to take the max dose of Taxol. In the end will have tons of tests run (blood, scans, biopsies) and then will have some tough decisions to make regarding surgery options. Feeling pretty darn lucky to have the kind of problem that involves options.

Austin's been having a blast with visits from Aunt Stinky, Grandma Mona, and Granny Annie, but nothing can top his main lady, Aunt Boogie. He just adores her. His little face lights up and he will run after her and spin around the room like a wild looney toon for hours. So lucky to have her around (I'm way too tired these days to chase him around like she can).

Their first encounter
He just can't take his eyes off of her. It's hilarious.
Sooo...all in all...Kinchens are winning over here!
Will post some updates on all of our crazy family visiting this holiday...Grandma and Grampa Galvan heading in next week!!! Yay!! That will really make feel like Christmas for me :)

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