Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chemo Brain!

By the grace of God, my symptoms of stress and anxiety are extremely low right now. I'm just not stressed out. It's a huge relief. I've always been an anxious person. Who would have thought that a cancer diagnosis would make me less stressed?? I have been able to let go of a lot of my crazy lady ways these past couple of months and focus on allowing my body to heal (don't get me wrong, I still have some hormonal waves of exhaustion tears and frustration), but I'm not up at night thinking about if I should reorganize my closet by color). heehee. Yes, this is an example of something I might have lost sleep over one time or another in my life. You can see evidence of me letting things go if you come by and visit. Don't judge my dirty floors or kitchen...I've decided to fight cancer in lieu of toddler messes :) I attribute a lot of the alleviation of stress to yoga, my therapist, oncology massage, and something I'm very passionate about is eating real food...

I add grass fed whole milk dairy to the top of my pyramid too...can't live without cheese!

On another note, an actual legit problem I am dealing with is chemo brain! Sounds like a crazy lady made up symptom to blame getting old and tired on, but I assure you, it's legit. I've used pregnancy brain and mommy brain a time or two in my life, but these for me were really mostly instances of exhaustion and stress mixed in with a little hormonal imbalance that made me forgetful or do things out of the ordinary. Chemo brain is different. I feel foggy and literally walk into rooms all day long forgetting what I am doing. My doctor assures me that this will fade after the potent drugs are out of my system and my brain has time to heal. Could take months to up to 2 years for some!! I'm sorry if I'm forgetting something important...please remind me, I won't be offended, I will be thankful!!!

WIN your day by forgetting about something that doesn't really matter anyway :)

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