Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Yup, I was that girl at the doctor's office this week wearing a mask. Haha.
We had quite the Thanksgiving holiday...between my cold and low counts and then PaPa Payday and Jonathon catching a stomach bug on Thursday, I didn't get my hands on a turkey leg until later in the weekend. Poor Jonathon was in isolation for the meal, but says he didn't miss much because we had a Paleo Thanksgiving meal which did not include rolls or mashed potatoes, the only parts he likes. I on the other hand, only cared about reserving both turkey legs for myself, which finally came true this year!! Cancer gets you all kinds of special treatment :)

Haha. All coss-eyed...couldnt take my eyes off the beloved turkey leg!
Still battling the cold I have, but definitely feeling better with much more energy! Gearing up for another chemo infusion tomorrow so having a bit of a pity party for myself that I didn't get much of a break from feeling icky this round before I have another treatment that will knock me back down a little, but on the plus side...halfway through my first chemo med!! (2 more rounds of the A/C meds and then I start the T drug every week for 12 weeks after that)

The only part of the meal J would have liked to participate cream and music in Gruene...sorry Dad :)
Hope you all enjoyed your holiday!

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