Monday, March 10, 2014

4 down...3 to go!

4th Abraxane infusion in the books. 3 to go from here. Fastest visit to the oncology center EVER. Bestie Maaya joined me for this round and we were in and out in 2 hours. WIN. Never really imagined us spending the first day of spring break together in a chemotherapy infusion room. We've traveled the world together and had some pretty crazy times over the last 10 years. The 30's have really put a damper on our vacays. Although, I did show my boobs to the nurse practitioner for an exam today, so that should count for something, right?! Spring Break 2015 can only go up from here :)

It's pretty amazing how potent this tiny little drop of medicine is that they give me (only takes 30 minutes to administer and looks like a drop of milk in a bag)...because it's protein bound, it absorbs into the body very quickly and efficiently unlike the more toxic cremophor bound paxlitaxel I was taking before that took forever and is mixed into a much larger volume of liquid. Basically get the same drug with the same outcomes regarding cancer treatment from both. Crazy. I was pretty worn out today, barely breathed a word to Maaya (except to tell her to go find a magazine or something if she was bored because I wasn't going to be talking to her) from the time I got in the comfy infusion chair to the time she got me back in my front door when it was all over.

Or if I can sleep in the middle of the day, in public, with the lights on and my mouth open drooling with you sitting next to me and not even think twice about it or feel like I have to talk to you at all  :)
Feeling very thankful for Austin's main lady, Auntie Maaya. She's one of those friends who's there when you need her, whether you ask her to or not. haha. She is a part of our family. Every night when I put Austin down for the night, I tell him what I'm thankful for that day and then he tells me one thing that he is thankful for too...can't tell you how many times he's mentioned Auntie Maaya (usually something to do with sharing snacks with her. haha), nonetheless, our family thanks God for her (and her generosity) on the regular.

WIN the day

1 comment:

  1. dammit jenn, why are you making me have feelings?? but i am thankful for y'all too!


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