I also have a little bit of info updated from Dr. Jim, my oncologist...
Still waiting on a few results from pathology reports on my tumors (I think I forgot to mention before that there was a very small second lesion found-3 mm- near the 3.1 cm mass). He is referring me to a breast cancer center out of town for a board of experts to review my case and make sure that we have exhausted our options as far as systemic treatment goes and get the best treatment plan together for us to jump into in a month. I will be heading out of town to meet some new specialists in the near future. Because my case is so unique, we want to get as many eyes and opinions on me as possible. We are off the course on the map here as far as triple negative breast cancer treatment goes. There is no standard of care from here on out for me. Of course, it's not awesome to be a case that needs a board of experts to consult with (p.s. I was also the case study today presented for a big presentation at the hospital by Dr. Jim and Dr. Markus), but it's pretty awesome to have an oncologist who takes care of gathering all of the opinions he can and to have so many options and resources available to us. Again, we are heading into this next phase of treatment in a great position with good reason to have very high hopes that any further treatment will be beneficial, but no reason to believe that I have residual disease or matastatic lesions in my body right now. WIN.
I will keep you posted with some of the trouble we get ourselves into while on 'vacay' this month :)
WIN the day
We are all thinking and praying for yoy in California ♥