Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Just Austin's Mom :)

My friends are really smart. I'm not bragging. It's just the truth. Every one of my favorite girls has some type of amazing talent that I am very proud of in her. I'm not sure how I pulled it off, but all of you ladies truly are unbelievable. I am one lucky girl to have yall.

I want to give a little shout out to one of my smart friends (actually, she is the smartest person I know). I'm banking on her finding the cure to cancer and finding a way one day for us to meet Oprah. Yes, those are my 2 goals in life. And I'm using her as a vehicle to achieve both. haha. She has been working diligently on some very cool research for many years. It's honestly waaaay over my head, and for the last couple of years our group of friends has just referred to her as 'the tick lady.' Turns out, her work is pretty unbelievable and getting some major attention right now. I told her that I had a fantasy that Oprah was going to get wind of the awesome Dr. Chou and fly her and her best friends to her house where we would be entertained by Celine and maybe even get to meet my favorite housewife from Beverly Hills, Yolanda, who is a Lyme disease survivor (yes, all that I know of Lyme disease has come from the Bravo network). Seemay laughed and said, ok, she would find the cure Lyme disease so we can meet Oprah. Haha. Now that's a good friend. Checkout one of the articles discussing her research...umm...yes...NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC...pretty big time for the girl we refer to as 'the tick lady.' haha.

So, how did I, little old stay at home mom end up with a group of doctors, lawyers,  Lyme disease curers as my friends? Where's my talent? Haha. Once upon a time, I did have one of those job things. I find myself often feeling like I have to defend our decision for me to stay at home with Austin. Especially when I'm surrounded by women who seem to be doing it all! Juggling work and mom loads and doing a kick ass job at both. I come up with all kinds of justifications for our situation that will satisfy others. Why in the heck do I feel like I have to do that? A bestie recently was asking when I was going to go back to working with people with disabilities (that's what I did before Austin was born for those of you who don't know). She said that she hated to see my talents wasted. I don't want to throw her under the bus. That was a compliment. She knows that I was good at what I did and made an impact in the lives of families I worked with who often don't have a very large pool of trained people to support them. I am proud of the work I did. I am talented in that field (and I still have a lot to learn about it too!), but I am also very proud of the work I do right now (and I also still have a lot to learn about being a mom!). At the zoo, playing with cars on the floor at home, chasing Austin around at the park. It's a privilege for me and I LOVE it. Everyone has what works for them and this works for us. And I'm thankful. I am going to work on letting go of that guilty feeling that I'm not doing enough or that I have to explain to others why I do what I do. I will ride on the coat tails of my talented friends who are out there curing cancer for the next few years while I work on my own special little project at home :)

A trend this proud of yourself today!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


I rarely have a conversation with a mom when something comes up that one of us is feeling guilty about something related to what we are or are not doing with our kiddos. Mothers' guilt is a real m'fer sometimes. It can take away from being present in the moment for all of the awesome things happening right under your nose and for taking pride in the things that you are doing. I can always recognize in another mom that she is doing a freaking awesome job and way above and beyond in so many ways, but in myself, I often still feel that I can do more or should do more. I am totally guilty of wallowing in my own mothers' guilt.

I didn't realize that one of the biggest weights on my shoulders related to reconstructive surgery is my mama guilt until the plastic surgeon I saw this week pointed it out me...the appointment went much better than my last! But I did have a teary eyed 'aha!' moment when I told him that I was still hesitant on having reconstructive surgery at all and he said, 'I imagine your hesitation is related to feeling guilty about having an elective surgery. You should think of this as part of your treatment, not as being selfish.' Well, yes, but I hadn't ever thought of it that way. That dang mothers' guilt is tricky and disguises itself in all kinds of ways. haha. This time, I actually left with a surgery plan. Kind of. At least some options for various surgery plans that he assured me I do not have to chose anytime soon. I can have the surgery I choose tomorrow or in 20 years. It's up to me. Now, that's the kind of appointment I prefer. Better than my last one where I left feeling pretty disappointed (but at least we got some good laughs out of it!). I'll fill yall in in details about this plastic surgeon's specialty area and my surgery decisions later. I have an appointment with my general surgeon next week where we are going to make our final decision on what to do with lefty and that will weigh in on where we go from there.

Had an awesome appointment yesterday with my oncologist, Dr. Jim. I really love him (and p.s. he loves me too!). We went over all kinds of things, but mainly, we discussed the effects Tamoxifen is having on my mood, sleep and severe anxiety. He assured me that they are all caused by the medication. I am not a crazy lady. Well, I kind of am, but it's chemically induced craziness, not just my normal level of craziness. I cried (surprise, surprise, I know). It's just so dang frustrating to have to take this daily pill that makes me not feel like myself. I go to bed every night telling myself that I am going to call Dr. Jim and tell him I'm not taking this medicine anymore. And then I get up the next morning and say, I can do this one more day. So, basically, we decided that I was going to keep going with that strategy for another 3 months until I see him again. He thinks that even though the benefit that I may have from this medication is small, it's still some benefit and due to the very aggressive nature of the tumor in my breast, we need all we can get on my side! He told me that some women who take Tamoxifen start feeling more 'normal' after some time on the med, but some just have to keep working to find things that alleviate the anxiety and help them to sleep. Honestly, all of the women I've asked who are on Tamoxifen about the difficulties I'm having give me this really sad eyed look and just nod. ha! That's not really very encouraging, but it's honest. Kind of a 'yup, welcome to the club' kind of acknowledgment. So...will be keeping on with our WIN THE DAY motto and get up every morning and just do the dang thing. I am remaining positive that some of my funky hippie trials will end up being the magical answer :)

Be proud of yourself today! Don't let that sneaky guilty feeling take away from all of the awesome things you do!


P.S. I am feeling a little guilty that our 3 year old was singing Baby Got Back in his crib last week. Haha. Here's a clip. Holy cow. Yes, the line that you think he's singing, is definitely the one he is singing. Kid's got a taste for the classics and apparently also for buns hun. hahaha.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

No he didn't?!

This month is the month of plastic surgeon interviews. My radiation oncologist and physical therapists suggested it as a good time to meet with some docs and decide what the best breast reconstruction options are for righty before scar tissue sets in from surgery and radiation and so I don't have to any longer brave the streets as what my youngest sister calls me, 'The One Boob Wonder.' Hahaha. Yes, that was the Halloween costume my 11 year old sister suggested for me this year. Gotta love sisters. So, the people pleaser and rule follower in me went ahead and scheduled with a slew of 'the best of the best' plastic surgeons around town.

I have to be honest. Walking around with one boob just doesn't bother me (as my always supportive other sister, Chanel, has pointed out many times, you can't even really tell since lefty has been through the breast feeding wringer anyway!). The only time I have felt a little self conscious is at a few appointments, various providers have pushed for me to get prosthetics (these bras that basically an implant fits into...I think that they thought I didn't know about them or that I must be going through this awful daily emotional heartache of having my right breast destroyed) and now with the most recent push for plastic surgery appointments.

Now...a little side note...this is totally MY experience. I absolutely do not knock people or think that they are silly for wanting to have a nice pair of matching boobs or if you already have those, wanting even nicer ones. It's just not something that I care about right now. Maybe never! I do have to admit though, I thought that maybe this was going to be the most fun part of this journey. Going into these fancy 'spa' like plastic surgeon offices where you get this smorgasbord of breast options and they would tell me that they could make me look like anything I wanted! haha. You know, like on those Beverly Hills plastic surgery shows? I even fixed what hair I have and wore sunglasses to fit in as just a girl who might be there for botox or some lipo and hide my breast cancer survivor status.

I had my first appointment earlier this week. It was scheduled to be a 2 hour consultation. Guess what? I was basically in and out in 15 minutes. What the heck. It took the guy 2 minutes of opening up my robe and looking at rightly to tell me that there was nothing he could do for me! He primarily does implant only surgeries and I just don't have enough breast tissue left after my mastectomy to be able to get an implant even with expanders first. He was going to refer to me to a different specialist. So, I kind of felt like I was 5 and ran out into the living room expecting a stocking full of candy on Xmas morning only to find my dad snoring on the couch in his underwear (sorry Dad). I started crying.

Now, I know that those of you who have been following our blog know that me crying at a doctor's appointment is no shocker (I even started tearing up at the optometrist a couple of months ago, who also happens to be one of my very best friends, because I was terrified that the scans she took would turn out to be something awful...and then I asked her if she did breast exams. haha. Just kidding. But I will pretty much ask any health professional to cop a feel, so she probably wouldn't have been shocked because she knows me so well), but I don't think that this guy was ready for influx of sudden tears. I came in there looking healthy and in typical Jenn smiling joking spirit and with the drop of a dime, I was bawling. Why was I so upset??

1. I didn't even want to be there in the first place. I'm not particularly bothered by the way I look right now. Of course, it's not ideal, but I'm okay with it. Through my tears, I got out that 'they wanted me to come here' I meant my other doctors, I'm sure he thought I was talking about the voices in my head.

2. I don't like it when people tell me that something is not an option for me. I want to have options and be able to decide what's best for me. I have always been an overachiever. Always (mostly) right. It made me feel like I had done something wrong by even being there in the first place. Weird, I know. I think I should've had more rejection and toughening up practice in my past to prepare me for this! Damn my family for always telling me I was smart and pretty and perfect! (Thank God for my sisters, they are the only ones who really keep it real for me). haha.

3. The type of surgery that this guy offers was pretty much the easiest route as far as breast reconstruction goes. His rejection means that if I decide to continue on the plastic surgery route, I'm looking at more extensive surgeries and possibilities of complications.

4. This was a reminder that the cancer treatment that we opted for did some extensive damage to my body. The chemo was tough, but the radiation that got little mention will also have major repercussions due to the tissue damage and continuing scar tissue development (this can go on for up to 2 years after treatment!). It's just so dang frustrating because I seriously do every gosh darn thing in my control to treat my body well and he reminded me that even though I look and feel better, my body is still majorly recovering.

5. Telling me that my only option for reconstruction consisting of 'flap' donor sites from other parts of my body, expanders, then possible implant made my stomach feel like a big rock dropped right into the bottom of my gut. I just can't imagine electing to miss that kind of time with my kid anytime soon. I was faced with almost a year of that kind of crap that was not in my control. I don't think I can do it right now.

There's more, but it's sounds really pathetic and negative like what if I waste all of this time doing something that I'm not even sure I want to do while I am feeling well and the damn cancer recurs and then I actually really do have to be out for the count?! That thought needs to be deleted from my brain. I am healthy. I am fine. I am going to be fine. The bottom line is, like I've said before, the moments we have are precious. They CANNOT be wasted. Now, that sounds a little more positive, right??

Icing on the cake is what happened for the other 13 minutes of my appointment after the plastic surgeon took a peek and closed the right side of my robe back up saying there was nothing he could do for me...he started giving me a consultation on how I could perk up and enhance LEFTY!! SAY WHAT DOC?! THAT'S MY BEST ASSET! THAT'S THE ONE THAT YOU JUST TOLD ME YOU CAN'T EVEN MATCH NOW IN IT'S SMALL DEFLATED STATE! ugh. Oh, guess what happened then?? He took pictures of me for my file. With an ugly crying face. My mom said that I just can't get a dang break with this stuff. Haha.

So I pretty much walked out of there with a summary that righty is too jacked up for a less invasive surgery, but there are lots of things that can be done for me to have one really amazing left breast. I guess there is still hope for the One Boob Wonder Halloween costume next year. hahaha.

I canceled my appointment for another consultation with a different plastic surgeon tomorrow. I'm going to spend the day being in good health, feeling good about myself and playing with our unbelievable amazing kiddo!

WIN THE DAMN DAY PEOPLE and feel good about the skin you're in :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Just some pics...

It's funny how you frame things and what you decide to share on a blog can really paint a pic of what is or is not going on in your life! Thought I should share some pics of my day to day without a wine glass in my hand :)

Austin had his first year of real trick or treating around the neighborhood. He had a BLAST! 

Our little monkey is quite the mama's boy. Jonathon always says, that guy really likes you a lot. haha. Yes he does. And I like him a lot too :)

Been having the best time hanging out in our beautiful fall weather here in Texas and spending lots of time with Austin's buds and their awesome moms. I feel lucky everyday to be able to do what I do. Watching all of their little personalities start to shine is so fun!


Friday, November 7, 2014

I'm into some weird stuff right now :)

Just been taking it easy (as easy as you can with a wild and crazy 3 year old boy!) lately. Austin is so much fun right now. I am really enjoying every minute with him.

My energy is kind of up and down. More up than down. I have about a zillion doctors appointments coming up this month. I am interviewing plastic surgeons to discuss my options for reconstruction. I'm still undecided on where to go with this...and still undecided on where to go with lefty too. Sounds like an easy decision, just cut off lefty and get 2 nice new boobies, right?! haha. The further I get out from treatment, the less I want to go back and have more surgeries (recovery from my right side mastectomy wasn't that bad, but it was about a week of missing out on time with Austin and relying on other people to help me out quite a bit). The other piece of it is that honestly, I'm not sure my body is ready for another surgery (this wouldn't be happening until at least late January because my skin is STILL healing from the extensive radiation to my right side). TBD.

I am having major hormone issues. My body is out of balance (purposefully, the daily Tamoxifen blocks Estrogen with the hopes that if any ER+ cancer cells develop, they cannot survive without my Estrogen to 'feed' them). Turns out, Estrogen is pretty darn important in our bodies. And it pretty much sucks to be out of balance. I just don't feel like myself. Kind of 'blah,' short tempered, and extremely ANXIOUS. This is not the kind of anxiety that I know what it is that I'm anxious about. It's just an intense physical feeling. The worst! I keep saying that my body has been put through the wringer, but it's so true. And the kind of stress my body went through has caused my systems to be on high alert survival mode! I've eliminated caffeine and alcohol for a while to try and help, and of course continuing to nourish myself with yummy whole foods (Halloween has really thrown a wrench in my 'no sugar' motto...I cannot resist starbursts and skittles. haha).

I will keep you updated on where we will decide to go with my Tamoxifen medication (reminder that the cancer I had was very very low ER+, so we are not really sure that it will benefit me anyway!) and surgeries. I saw my radiation oncologist last month with an all good checkup and at the end of this month, I get a visit in with Dr. Jim.

In the meantime, I am headed to visit a well known functional medicine doctor here in town to get her input on how I can help to heal my body. Sounds like a cooky hippie thing to do, right? haha. She's legit. Not as cooky as some of the other stuff I'm into right now! Spending as much time outside as we can, walking. I'm also back into my yoga, emwave, spoonk mat, and Jonathon and I both are trying these cool float tanks! haha. Next on my list is also visiting a hypnotherapist! Yup, I'm throwing it all out there. I'm into some weird stuff right now. haha. If you tell me it might work to help make me feel better without using drugs and can't do any harm even if it doesn't do any good...chances are, I'll give it a whirl.
