Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Just Austin's Mom :)

My friends are really smart. I'm not bragging. It's just the truth. Every one of my favorite girls has some type of amazing talent that I am very proud of in her. I'm not sure how I pulled it off, but all of you ladies truly are unbelievable. I am one lucky girl to have yall.

I want to give a little shout out to one of my smart friends (actually, she is the smartest person I know). I'm banking on her finding the cure to cancer and finding a way one day for us to meet Oprah. Yes, those are my 2 goals in life. And I'm using her as a vehicle to achieve both. haha. She has been working diligently on some very cool research for many years. It's honestly waaaay over my head, and for the last couple of years our group of friends has just referred to her as 'the tick lady.' Turns out, her work is pretty unbelievable and getting some major attention right now. I told her that I had a fantasy that Oprah was going to get wind of the awesome Dr. Chou and fly her and her best friends to her house where we would be entertained by Celine and maybe even get to meet my favorite housewife from Beverly Hills, Yolanda, who is a Lyme disease survivor (yes, all that I know of Lyme disease has come from the Bravo network). Seemay laughed and said, ok, she would find the cure Lyme disease so we can meet Oprah. Haha. Now that's a good friend. Checkout one of the articles discussing her research...umm...yes...NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC...pretty big time for the girl we refer to as 'the tick lady.' haha.


So, how did I, little old stay at home mom end up with a group of doctors, lawyers,  Lyme disease curers as my friends? Where's my talent? Haha. Once upon a time, I did have one of those job things. I find myself often feeling like I have to defend our decision for me to stay at home with Austin. Especially when I'm surrounded by women who seem to be doing it all! Juggling work and mom loads and doing a kick ass job at both. I come up with all kinds of justifications for our situation that will satisfy others. Why in the heck do I feel like I have to do that? A bestie recently was asking when I was going to go back to working with people with disabilities (that's what I did before Austin was born for those of you who don't know). She said that she hated to see my talents wasted. I don't want to throw her under the bus. That was a compliment. She knows that I was good at what I did and made an impact in the lives of families I worked with who often don't have a very large pool of trained people to support them. I am proud of the work I did. I am talented in that field (and I still have a lot to learn about it too!), but I am also very proud of the work I do right now (and I also still have a lot to learn about being a mom!). At the zoo, playing with cars on the floor at home, chasing Austin around at the park. It's a privilege for me and I LOVE it. Everyone has what works for them and this works for us. And I'm thankful. I am going to work on letting go of that guilty feeling that I'm not doing enough or that I have to explain to others why I do what I do. I will ride on the coat tails of my talented friends who are out there curing cancer for the next few years while I work on my own special little project at home :)

A trend this week...be proud of yourself today!

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