Just been taking it easy (as easy as you can with a wild and crazy 3 year old boy!) lately. Austin is so much fun right now. I am really enjoying every minute with him.
My energy is kind of up and down. More up than down. I have about a zillion doctors appointments coming up this month. I am interviewing plastic surgeons to discuss my options for reconstruction. I'm still undecided on where to go with this...and still undecided on where to go with lefty too. Sounds like an easy decision, just cut off lefty and get 2 nice new boobies, right?! haha. The further I get out from treatment, the less I want to go back and have more surgeries (recovery from my right side mastectomy wasn't that bad, but it was about a week of missing out on time with Austin and relying on other people to help me out quite a bit). The other piece of it is that honestly, I'm not sure my body is ready for another surgery (this wouldn't be happening until at least late January because my skin is STILL healing from the extensive radiation to my right side). TBD.
I am having major hormone issues. My body is out of balance (purposefully, the daily Tamoxifen blocks Estrogen with the hopes that if any ER+ cancer cells develop, they cannot survive without my Estrogen to 'feed' them). Turns out, Estrogen is pretty darn important in our bodies. And it pretty much sucks to be out of balance. I just don't feel like myself. Kind of 'blah,' short tempered, and extremely ANXIOUS. This is not the kind of anxiety that I know what it is that I'm anxious about. It's just an intense physical feeling. The worst! I keep saying that my body has been put through the wringer, but it's so true. And the kind of stress my body went through has caused my systems to be on high alert survival mode! I've eliminated caffeine and alcohol for a while to try and help, and of course continuing to nourish myself with yummy whole foods (Halloween has really thrown a wrench in my 'no sugar' motto...I cannot resist starbursts and skittles. haha).
I will keep you updated on where we will decide to go with my Tamoxifen medication (reminder that the cancer I had was very very low ER+, so we are not really sure that it will benefit me anyway!) and surgeries. I saw my radiation oncologist last month with an all good checkup and at the end of this month, I get a visit in with Dr. Jim.
In the meantime, I am headed to visit a well known functional medicine doctor here in town to get her input on how I can help to heal my body. Sounds like a cooky hippie thing to do, right? haha. She's legit. Not as cooky as some of the other stuff I'm into right now! Spending as much time outside as we can, walking. I'm also back into my yoga, emwave, spoonk mat, and Jonathon and I both are trying these cool float tanks! haha. Next on my list is also visiting a hypnotherapist! Yup, I'm throwing it all out there. I'm into some weird stuff right now. haha. If you tell me it might work to help make me feel better without using drugs and can't do any harm even if it doesn't do any good...chances are, I'll give it a whirl.
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