Tuesday, February 4, 2014

5 down 7 to go...take 2!

It was a looong day. But it was mostly an uneventful day. That's a good thing.

I'll keep it short and sweet. Because one thing today was NOT was short. Started my infusion at 8:30 am and did not finish until 4:50 pm. Longest infusion ever. This med typically takes 2-3 hours. Good thing, I went through the day with no reactions other than the tingling in my legs and feet that I've experienced before. Yay! Bad thing is, I'm pretty sure the plan now is going to be an 8 hour infusion day every time over the next 7 weeks. I'm willing to take it over a day like we had yesterday, so I'm considering it a win (not the capitalized kind of WIN, but a win nonetheless). Will get a chance to talk to Dr. Jim tomorrow and discuss the plan moving forward.

So, long day. Totally exhausted. Bout to hit the hay. This triple dose of steroids is going to have me up in a couple of hours stuffing my face.


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