1. I will take 6 weekly treatments of Abraxane (hopefully, starting Monday). Typically, this drug is given in fewer bigger doses, but we are being cautious because of my history of reaction to Taxol containing drugs
2. Abraxane is not a common drug given because there are much much cheaper options available that basically deliver the same chemo drug (Taxol) and are shown to have the same results as far as prognosis and survival rate goes, so that means even more wait time once insurance approves the drug to order the drug and get it shipped to the oncology center
3. Side effects of Abraxane are similar to those expected with the drug I've been taking...neuropathy, nausea, neutropenia...the neutropenia risks are extremely high with this drug. I am going to have to go back to being extra cautious about getting out and about and having people over again for the next 6 weeks to avoid infections.
4. I will be treated with a high dose of pre-meds including Benadryl and steroids that typically are not used with Abraxane just in case my reaction is truly related to the Taxol and not the additive found in the drug I've been taking (Abraxane is basically Taxol too, just bound to a protein not castor oil derivative). It very unlikely that this is the case, but happy nonetheless to have these precautions in place.
5. My sleep is JACKED UP. The physical and emotional stress that this little bump in the road has had on me have been a challenge. It's not a setback in anyway, I'm still getting the treatment I need, just unexpected and out of my...ahem...control...haha. Not to mention it's been kind of scary. I am feeling like I've been through some crazy trauma this last week (yeah, for some reason this last week in my mind is what my stress is over...not any other part of the past insane 4 months! Like the time my doctor called me and told me I had cancer or the time I almost had my booby cut off. haha.). I have total and complete faith that I am going to be okay and come out of this being a better me, but I think it's one of those things that hits you what really happened way after it's over. In the moment, you do what you gotta do and then you look back and remember that you were strapped to a chair having a drug pumped directly into your heart that can cause you to stop breathing...then do it again...and again...and even think maybe it would be worth it to try it one more time if it meant it could get rid of the damn cancer for good. Ugh. On repeat in my mind all day week is DO NOT BE AFRAID. DO NOT BE TERRIFIED. DO NOT BE AFRAID. DO NOT BE TERRIFIED...
6. I totally forgot to let yall know that my tastebuds are recovered! This happened several weeks ago. Yay!! As far as other side effects go, I haven't had any nausea or loss of appetite. Been able to keep my weight up with lots of help from so many of you by not only feeding my family, but also helping out in so many other ways that has reduced stress and allowed me to take the best care of myself possible. I've definitely loss muscle mass not being as active as I was before treatment, but that can be recovered once I get those kettlebells back out from under the bed :) I am dealing with mild neuropathy. Mostly can't feel the tips of my toes in my right foot. This will probably get worse as Abraxane continues, but typically the nerves heal themselves when treatment is complete. Other than that, I'm doing pretty darn well.
7. We are so fortunate to have a great private insurance policy that has reduced our stress over costs of this whole thing. Not to say that I don't have some major hangups with the system in general, but we are pretty darn lucky. I sat next to a woman last week who was sitting with the pharmacist going through her list of prescribed drugs having to choose which ones she could afford to fill. It was heart wrenching. She was in tears. We have been blessed with grants from various breast cancer foundations and other agencies that have provided our family with a lot of other supports as well. I am working on a list of some of these if any of you are looking for a worthy place to stick a few of your tax return dollars :)
Jonathon's probably going to kill me for sharing this, but caught my guys singing together on the baby monitor before night time. Can't see them on the video, but the sound byte is enough for me. Melt my heart.
So...will keep you posted when I hear back on the definite treatment plan and schedule.
Be BRAVE today!!
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