Tuesday, February 25, 2014

You feel better mom.

Austin has 2 little blankies that he sleeps with...and would carry around all day long with his thumb in his mouth if we let him :) No other blankies will do. There's something about these 2 little softy ones that he LOVES. He likes to take them out and snuggles up with them before bedtime and of course to bed with him in his crib.

You can catch a little glimpse of him with his beloveds while he is telling me that he is not ready for naptime (the more he tells me he's not, the more you know he's ready)...for those of you not fluent in my kid's language...he's telling me, 'no right there keep trying to play with blankies right there on the couch...no read stories and no go night night with blankies on my back!' haha.

Tonight, Austin brought his beloved blankies to me on the bed and told me, 'You feel better mom. Take blankies when you go to the doctor and take your medicine.' Put them on me just like I put them on his back at bedtime and said, 'All better. Night night.' So sweet.

After aboout a minute, he came running back, yelled, 'No mom, that's MINE!' and snatched them back up :) He is awesomely and perfectly 2 years old ya know!

Share something you love with someone you love today (even if it's only for a minute!)


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