Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's you!

Happy Mother's day to all of your mothers out there!  If you haven't had a mimosa yet you are losing.  Send some poor guy who you have on your payroll to the store to get you some mimosa making materials and drink deserve it.  I have always known my mom is pretty awesome but the last 2 years or so it has become more apparent.  A mothers love for her child is like nothing I have ever seen.  I used to think my mom was a little overboard with how much she loved me...then I saw jenn with Austin.  It made me realize that a mothers love for her child is without a doubt the most intense love there is.  It might actually be the most intense emotion that a human can have.  I am fortunate enough to have a front row seat to the greatest two moms I have ever seen.

These last 6 months or so aren't exactly like we all drew them up.  We have obviously had some obstacles, but one thing has gone unaffected...Austin.  We have had tons of support to help make that happen, but there is a mastermind behind the whole thing.  That mastermind has selflessly put herself, her health, and her comfort aside.  She chases him around the park days after chemo when the average person is laying in bed.  This person stayed up in the hospital all night after surgery stretching so she would be able to pick up our son when he she got home.  She cooks bacon for him when the smell makes her sick. She takes him to the zoo when turning on the TV would work just as well. This person stays patient when she has every right to be frustrated. Its amazing!  Everyday!  She doesnt take a day off....well, she takes some days off, but she makes sure her strict regimen is in place.  Jennifer, you are amazing.  We are all so thankful that our son, nephew, cousin, grandson, and little buddy has the most amazing mother he could hope for.

So grab that mimosa or Kambucha if you are in the hospital.....cheers to an unbelievable woman and an even better mom!


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