Thursday, May 22, 2014

Treat yourself well!

Although Jonathon hates coconut and coffee and really even just sitting outside in the sun (unless there's an adult beverage in his hand or a race horse trotting by), sometimes we talk him into joining Austin and me for some of our favorite stops around town that include 3 of his least favorite things...but 2 of his favorite people. Evens out I guess :)

Yummm...Picnik...yeah folks, my kid drinks $9 smoothies sometimes and I drink an $8 coffee every once in a while. Don't judge me too much. I drive an old cash car, don't buy clothes or makeup (and think about all of the money I'm saving lately on hair care!). My splurge is quality food. How could you resist real true BUTTER in your coffee?! And look at that happy healthy face (my kid's, not my husband's). haha. Worth every dime. 

Treat yourself well.

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